Research Work with Bridgewater College Student Summer, 2024.
Interview for SPACE TV Baku, Azerbaijan February, 2014
TEDX Baki - SPEAKER Baku, Azerbaijan June, 2014
Research Work with Bridgewater College Student Summer, 2024.
Management, Leadership, and Artificial Intelligence
Regulations and Policies.
I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics and Business Administration, Nolen School of Business and Professional Studies, at Bridgewater College, Virginia, USA. I earned my Ph.D. from School of Strategic Leadership Studies from the College of Business, James Madison University, Virginia, United States of America. My concentration was Postsecondary Analysis and Leadership. My current research focuses on Management, Leadership, System Leadership Theories, Transfer Credit System, Experiential Learning, Artificial Intelligence Regulations and Policies. Currently, I am teaching in fields of Business Foundation, Adulthood- Leadership Skills, Management Science, Market Research and Organizational Management.
Sevinj Iskandarova, Ph.D.
Department of Business Administration,
Nolen School of Business and Professional Studies,
Bridgewater College
My Interviews & Speech
TEDxBaki Speech
TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) is global conference which designed for schools, businesses, workers or simple person to enjoy. The first event of TEDxBakı happened in 2010. TedxBaki platform is a new tool for expression and sharing in Azerbaijan. I was a speaker in Tedx-Baki, June, 2014.
Subtitle coming soon...
Contact Me
Radio Interview
I am proficient in five languages: Azerbaijani, Turkish, Russian, English, and Arabic. During this radio interview, I discussed my learning journey of Arabic and provided valuable tips and recommendations for independent learners. I also highlighted several scholarship programs available in Arabic-speaking countries for those interested in mastering the language.